ISMIR logoISMIR - The International Society for
Music Information Retrieval

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Past conferences

Online and paper proceedings

The cumulative list of all past papers and posters is available with direct access to the PDF file when available. The type is PAP (for refereed paper), INV (for invited paper) and POS (for poster). The thumbnails at the bottom allow one to select a list sorted by author or by year.

As of ISMIR 2003, almost all Power Point presentations are also available – see the individual conference sites to access them.

Paper proceedings may still be available for past conferences, see their individual Web sites. Information on how to buy past proceedings is available here.

The music-ir mailing list

At ISMIR 2000, the music-ir mailing-list was created, in order to allow for exchanges in the topics related to this field. As of February 2011, it had over 1,400 subscribers from all over the world. Announcements about the conference and updates to its Web site are also be sent to this list. Archives of the list are available online to its subscribers.

To register: send the following one-line message to

sub music-ir YourFirstName YourLastName

Related texts


ISMIR 2005

ISMIR 2003

ISMIR 2002

Related Web sites

The Society

ISMIR was incorporated in Canada on July 4, 2008. It was previously run by a Steering Committee (see below).


Members of the past ISMIR Steering Committee